6月13日下午,美国凯斯西储大学高分子科学学院教授Hatsuo Ishida应必赢bwin官网副校长、上海市多相结构材料化学工程重点实验室主任辛忠教授邀请,在徐汇校区作了题为“Molecular Design Principles for Benzoxazine Resins towards Smart, Ultra-high Performance, and Easily Processable Materials: From the Nature to Aerospace.” 的学术报告。辛忠副校长主持了本次报告。必赢bwin官网登录入口、材料学院部分教师及研究生参与了报告会。
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Professor Ishida received his Ph.D. degree from Macromolecular Science Department at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, and has pioneered in the molecular characterization of composite interfaces and the development of new, very versatile polymers called polybenzoxazines.He is Fellow of ACS (PMSE), SAMPE, and SPE. Professor Ishida received the following awards among others: The Global Salute to Polymers Award (The American Chemical Society). The Alexander von Humboldt Award for Senior Scientist, Humboldt Foundation, Germany; Eminent Scientist, RIKEN:Japan; Award for Excellence in Adhesion Research, The Society of Adhesion; The International Research Award, Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE). He has 12 edited and translated books, 40 disclosures and patents, and over 490 papers to his credit.His H-index is 80 with total citation of more than 22,300.Professor Ishida is Editor-in-Chiefof "Composite Interfaces," and Associate Editorof “Polymers and Polymer Composites” as well as “Frontiers: Composite Materials.”He is a member of the editorial board of 12 journals.