法国斯特拉斯堡大学Christophe. A. Serra教授应邀为我院师生作学术报告
发布时间:2016-10-26   访问次数:171   作者:

法国斯特拉斯堡大学(University of Strasbourg)的化学、聚合物和高分子欧洲工程学院的Christophe. A. Serra教授应邀于20161023日访问必赢bwin官网,并在实验16106会议室作了题为“Development of microfluidic processes for the preparation of feature-controlled polymer micro- and nanoparticles”的学术报告。化工系主任吴艳阳老师主持了报告会。


1 Christophe. A. Serra教授作学术报告

Christophe. A. Serra教授重点介绍了其课题组近年来基于玻璃管微流控的具有各种拓扑结构的微米和纳米颗粒的制备、表面功能化、以及聚合物与无机材料杂化材料的制备,同时探索了这些材料在药物可控释放方面的应用Christophe. A. Serra教授精彩的报告赢得在场师生的热烈掌声。


Christophe A. SERRA is Professor at the University of Strasbourg teaching at the European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials Science (ECPM). He received his MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the National Engineering School of the Chemical Industries (Nancy) and Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse), respectively. His researches concern the development of intensified and integrated microfluidic-assisted polymer processes for the synthesis of architecture-controlled polymers and functional polymer micro- and nanoparticles.